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Blasphemie im BYZ / BYM wie im TR Weiterführender
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The New Testament in the Original Greek
Byzantine Text Form, 2005
Compiled and arranged by Maurice A. Robinson
and William G. Pierpont.
This text may be freely distributed.
The morphology for this text was produced by Maurice
For details on this version please consult the
following PDF files (shipped with BibleWorks):
Preface to the New Testament in the Original Greek
Appendix to The New Testament in the Original Greek
The Full PDF Version of The New Testament in the
Original Greek
The Appendix contains a summary defense of the
Majority Text position and is something that all who are interested in the issue
should read.
The print edition can be obtained from:
"The 2003 edition of the Byzantine Greek New
Testament will be a fitting memorial to the spiritual life and work of William
G. Pierpont. In all aspects of this text and edition, William Pierpont's
contribution remains primary--the order of the editors' names
(Robinson-Pierpont) was that chosen by Pierpont, arranged more for euphony than
for any other factor. Over 95% of the Byzantine Textform edition remains that
which Pierpont had initially prepared in note form, long before Robinson's
association with him. The Byzantine Textform Greek New Testament abides as
William Pierpont's tangible legacy, prepared by a committed, loving, and sincere
Christian gentleman, to whom all owe a debt of thanks. " Maurice Robinson
Version ID: BYM
Description: Byzantine NT (RP 1995) Morphology (MR)
(<> BYZ)
Language: Greek
Number of Books: 27
Number of Chapters: 260
Number of Verses: 7953
Number of Blank Verses: 9
Total Number of Words: 140154
Number of Unique Words: 18238
Current Verse: 5483
Database Type: Greek Morphology Version
Companion Version: BYZ
Books: Mat Mar Luk Joh Act Rom 1Co 2Co Gal Eph Phi
Col 1Th 2Th 1Ti 2Ti Tit Phm Heb Jam 1Pe 2Pe 1Jo 2Jo 3Jo Jud Rev
Untersuchung des BYZ und BYM auf
biblisch korrekten Hintergund.
ELO 1 Corinthians 11:24 Brot nahm, und als
er gedankt hatte, es brach und sprach: Dies ist mein Leib, der für euch ist;
dies tut zu meinem Gedächtnis. (1 Cor. 11:24 ELO)
Schlachter 2000 (
1. Kor 11,24
und dankte, es brach und sprach: Nehmt, esst! Das ist mein Leib,
der für euch gebrochen wird = Blasphemie;
dies tut zu meinem Gedächtnis!
TR, BYZ, BYM sind rel. junge Abschriften mit ca. 1000 erklärenden und
gotteslästerlichen Hinzufügungen.
Sie sind die Basis von Luther ..... und Schlachter Übersetzungen.
Zum Bibelstudium sind sie vollumfänglich
BYM Deutsch |
Griechisch | BYM 1 Corinthians 11:24 καί@c εὐχαριστέωκλάω@καί@c λέγω@ λαμβάνω@ φάγω@ οὗτος@ ἐγώ ὁ@ σῶμα@ ὁ@ὑπέρ@p σύ@ κλάω = Blasphemie! @vpppnns οὗτος@rdans ποιέω@vdpa2p εἰς@p ὁ@dafs ἐμός@rsafs ἀνάμνησις@nafs |
BYZ 1 Corinthians 11:24 καὶ εὐχαριστήσας ἔκλασεν, καὶ εἶπεν, Λάβετε, φάγετε, Τοῦτό μού ἐστιν τὸ σῶμα τὸ ὑπὲρ ὑμῶν κλώμενον = Blasphemie!· τοῦτο ποιεῖτε εἰς τὴν ἐμὴν ἀνάμνησιν. (1 Cor. 11:24 BYZ) | ||
und |
καί (kai) : und, auch |
καί conjunction
from καί __________________________________ Friberg, Analytical Greek Lexicon [Fri] καί a coordinating conjunction with the sense varying according to its circumstances; I. as a connective; (1) connecting single words and (MT 2.11d); (2) as a continuative, connecting clauses and sentences and (MT 21.23c); (3) as coordinating time with an event when (MK 15.25); (4) to introduce a result from preceding circumstances and then, and so (MT 4.19); (5) to introduce an abrupt question expressing a contrasting feeling then, in that case (2C 2.2); (6) as emphasizing an unexpected fact and yet, nevertheless, and in spite of that (MT 3.14); (7) to explain what preceded and so, that is, namely (MT 8.33b; JN 1.16); (8) κ. . . . κ. both . . . and, not only . . . but also (AC 26.29); II. adverb; (1) as an adjunctive also, too (MT 5.39); (2) as an ascensive, introducing something unusual even (MT 5.46); (3) to reinforce a contrast or comparison also (2C 8.11b; HE 8.6) καί CH καί καί CS καί καί CC+ καί καί CC καί καί AB καί __________________________________ Gingrich, Greek NT Lexicon (GIN) [GING] καί καί conjunction—1. and Mt 13:55; 23:32; Lk 2:47; 3:14; Ro 7:12; Ac 5:29; Hb 1:1. When Mt 26:45; Mk 15:25; J 2:13; Hb 8:8. That = ὅτι Mk 6:14. καὶ ἐγένετο…καί and it came about…that Mt 9:10; Mk 2:15; Lk 5:1, 12, 17. But Mt 12:43; Lk 13:7; Ro 1:13; 1 Th 2:18. And so, that is, namely Mt 8:33; J 1:16; Ro 1:5; 1 Cor 3:5. καί…καί both…and, not only…but also Mt 10:28; Mk 4:41; 9:13; J 7:28; Ac 26:29; 1 Cor 1:22; Phil 4:16. Sometimes καί may be left untranslated as πολλὰ…κ. ἄλλα σημεῖα many other signs J 20:30; cf. Lk 3:18; Ac 25:7.—2. used rather as an adverb also, likewise Mt 5:39f; 12:45; Mk 8:7. Even Mt 5:46f; Mk 1:27; Ac 5:39; 2 Cor 1:8; Phlm 21; Hb 7:25; Jd 23. ὁ καί with double names who is also called Ac 13:9. [pg 98] __________________________________ Danker, Greek NT Lexicon (DAN) [DANK] καί καί [etym. complex] used as a function word to mark connection or addition – 1. as connective (copula) and (the extraordinary flexibility of κ. in context can generate a broad range of other glosses, e.g. when, but, that, namely, as well as, including, and so, indeed, yet, then, in fact, but the primary lexical feature is the connective aspect) – a. joining single words Mt 13:55; Lk 6:14-16; 14:21; Ac 1:13; Ro 7:12; Hb 1:1; Rv 7:12 al.; joining numerals Lk 13:16; J 2:20; Ac 13:20. – b. joining clauses and sentences Mt 1:23; 3:12; 5:15b (and so ); Mk 1:5; 5:4; Lk 2:48; J 1:1; Hb 3:19 (so ) al. Introducing an alternate consideration: Mt 3:14 (reinforcing σύ in expression of surprise); Lk 12:24 and J 3:19 (and yet ); 4:11 (besides ); Ro 1:13 and Phil 1:22 (but ). As interj. Mt 26:69 (of disapproval why ) cp. Mk 10:26 (of suspense well! ). Coordinate with a temporal note Mt 26:45; Mk 15:25; Lk 19:43; J 2:13; Hb 8:8. In explanation e*pexegetical) J 1:16 (namely, that is ); cp. Ac 23:6; πολλὰ καὶ βaρέα αἰτιώματα many, yes/indeed serious charges 25:7 (some consider κ. in this and related formulations w. πολύς simply redundant, s. e.g. esp. J 20:30 ). – καὶ ἐγένετο … and it happened … that Mt 7:28; 9:10; 11:1; Mk 2:23; Lk 5:12, 17; 7:11; 8:1; 9:18 al. – c. w. focus on inclusiveness καί … καί both … and, not only, … but also (s. also s.v. τέ) Mt 10:28; Mk 4:41; 7:37; Lk 2:46bc; 22:33; J 7:28; Ac 26:29; Ro 11:33; 14:9; 1 Cor 4:5; Phil 1:7; 2 Th 3:4; 1 Ti 4:10 v.l.; Tit 1:9; Phlm 16; 2 Pt 3:18; 2 J 9; Jd 25; Rv 13:15f. The writer of Hb prefers τέ … καί. – d. marker of narrative transition Mt 4:23; Mk 5:1, 21; J 1:19; Ac 1:15;2:1; 15:1; Rv 5:1 al. – e. marker of conclusion/apodosis Lk 2:21; 7:12; Ac 1:10. – 2. as adjunctive, i.e. introducing someth. in addition to what has already been mentioned, also Mt 5:39f; 8:9; J 14:7a; Ac 13:9 (ὁ καί = a.k.a. ); Ro 1:13; 2 Cor 8:11; Gal 6:1b; Hb 8:6. W. intensive force even Mt 5:46f; Ac 10:45; Gal 6:1a. |
εὐχαριστέω (eucharisteo) : danken |
εὐχαριστέω | εὐχαριστέω verb
participle aorist active nominative masculine singular from εὐχαριστέω
__________________________________ Friberg, Analytical Greek Lexicon [Fri] εὐχαριστέω 1aor. εὐχαρίστησα and ηὐχαρίστησα (RO 1.21); (1) predominately as expressing gratitude to God thank, give thanks to (JN 11.41); (2) of a thanksgiving prayer, especially at meals give or return thanks, bless (MK 8.6); (3) as expressing gratitude generally thank (RO 16.4) __________________________________ Gingrich, Greek NT Lexicon (GIN) [GING] εὐχαριστέω εὐχαριστέω give thanks, render or return thanks Mt 26:27; Mk 8:6; Lk 17:16; 18:11; Ac 27:35; 28:15; Ro 1:21; 1 Cor 14:17f; Col 1:3, 12; 1 Th 1:2; 2:13. [pg 82] |
κλάω (klao) : brechen |
κλάω | κλάω verb indicative aorist active 3rd person
singular from κλάω __________________________________ Friberg, Analytical Greek Lexicon [Fri] κλάω 1aor. ἔκλασα; break, break off, break in pieces; in the NT used only of the breaking of bread (MT 15.36); by metonymy share a meal, since by Jewish custom a host or head of household thus began the main part of the meal (AC 2.46) __________________________________ Gingrich, Greek NT Lexicon (GIN) [GING] κλάω κλάω break Mt 14:19; 26:26; Mk 8:6, 19; Lk 24:30; Ac 20:7, 11; 1 Cor 11:24. [iconoclast, εἰκών κλάω] [pg 109] __________________________________ Danker, Greek NT Lexicon (DAN) [DANK] κλάω κλάω [etym. complex, cp. Lat. clava ‘wooden club, stick’] in NT only of breaking off pieces from a loaf of bread, break Mt 14:19 al. |