Appendixes of The Companion Bible by Dr. E.W. Bullinger
1. The Structure of the Books of the Old Testament according to the Hebrew Canon
2. Genesis the Foundation of the Divine Revelation
3. Genesis finds its Complement in the Apocalypse
4. The Divine Names and Titles
7. Italic Type in the Revised Version
8. The so-called "Creation Tablets"
9. The Uap9.pdfsaap9.pdfge of the Word RUACH (Spirit)
10. The Spiritual Significance of Numbers
11. The Use of the Word "DAY" in Genesis 1
12. "The Stars also" (Gen. 1:16)
13. The Usage of the Word NEPHESH (Soul)
14. The Synonymous Words used for "MAN"
16. The Occurrences of "NESHAMAH' (breath) (Gen. 2:7)
17. The Genitive Case
21. ENOS: Gen. 4:26 ("calling on the Name of the Lord")
22. The Chronology of the Patriarchs (Antediluvian)
23. "The Sons of God" in Gen. 6:2, 4
27. The Synonymous Words used for "WINE"
28. Nimrod (Gen. 10:8, 9 1 Chron. 1:10)
29. The Generations of Terah (including those of Isaac and Jacob)
31. The Fifteen Extraordinary Points of the Sopherim (Gen. 16:5)
32. The 134 Passages Where the Sopherim Altered “Jehovah” To “Adonai”
33. The “Eighteen Emendations” of The Sopherim
34. The Readings called Severin
36. "Thy Salvation" (Gen. 49:18)
37. The Pharaohs of Genesis and Exodus
44. The Synonymous Words for "SIN", "TRESPASS", "INIQUITY", &c
45. The Order and Groupings of the Twelve Tribes
46. DEUTERONOMY: References to the Book in New Testament
47. "The Book of The Law"
48. The Use of Various Types in the English Bible: A.V. and R.V.
49. "The Man of God" (Deut. 33:1)
50. Chronological Charts
51. Money and Coins, Weights and Measures
52. Proper Names
56. The Parallel Passages in the Historical Books
57. The Genealogy of the Persian Kings
58. A Harmony of the Ezra-Nehemiah History
59. The Twelve Gates of Jerusalem
60. The Name of Jehovah in the Book of Esther
61. Quotations from the Book of Job in the Bible
62. The Septuagint Ending for the Book of Job
63. The Book of Psalms. Miscellaneous Phenomena
65. The Psalm Titles and the Words employed in them
66. Hebrew Words in the Text of the Psalms. I. Higgaion, II. Selah
68. Zion
69. TRUST. Synonymous Words for "TRUST"
70. Psalm 15 and The Sermon on the Mount
71. "The Sufferings, and the Glory"
72. The Parenthesis of the Present Dispensation
73. The Ten Words of Psalm 119
74. The Book of Proverbs: Introduction and Analysis
75. Special Passages in the Book of Proverbs acquiring New Light
76. Supposed "LATER" Hebrew Words in Ecclesiastes
77. The Chronological Order of the Prophets
78. The Inter-Relation of the Prophetic Books
79. ISAIAH. The Evidences for One Authorship
80. ISAIAH. Quotations and Allusions in the New Testament
81. The "ALTAR to Jehovah in the Land of Egypt" (Isa. 19:19)
82. The FORMULAE of Prophetic Utterance (illustrating Isa. 34 and 35)
83. JEREMIAH. The Chronological Order of His Prophecies
84. The Septuagint Version of Jeremiah
85. JEREMIAH. A Type of Messiah
86. "The Fourth Year of Jehoiakim" (Jer. 25:1) Being Supplementary to Ap. 50
87. "Pharaoh's House in Tahpanhes" (Jer. 43:9)
88. The Millennial "Sanctuary" and "Oblation" of Ezekiel 40-48
89. The Visions of Daniel (Chs 7-12) synchronous
90. The "Times" and numbered "Days" of Dan. 7:25, 8:14, 12:7, 11, 12
91. The "Seventy Weeks" of Dan. 9:24-27
92. The References to the Pentateuch by the Prophets
93. The Alleged "Corruptions" of the Hebrew Text
94. The Greek Text of the New Testament
95. The N.T. and the Order of its Books
96. The Diversity of the Four Gospels
97. ap97.pdfThe Unity of the Four Gospels
98. The Divine Names and Titles in the New Testament
99. The Two Genealogies of Matthew 1 and Luke 3
100. The Six Marys
101. The Usage of PNEUMA in the N.T.
102. The synonymous Words for "WILL" and "WISH"
103. The First Fulfilment of Prophecy in the N.T.
105. The Usage of Negatives in the N.T.
106. The Synonymous Words for "APPEAR", "APPEARING", &c.
107. The Principle Underlying the Quotations From The O.T.
108. The Synonymous Words for "CHILD", "CHILDREN", &c.
109. The HERODS of The New Testament
110. The Use of PSUCHE in the N.T.
111. The Synonymous Words for "REPENT", "REPENTANCE" &c.
112. The Synonymous Expressions for "KINGDOM"
113. The "KINGDOM" and the "CHURCH"
114. The "Kingdom of Heaven" and the "Kingdom of God"
115. "BAPTIZE", "BAPTISM", &c.
116. The Temptations of Our Lord
117. The Lord's Knowledge: I. Of the Past II. Of the Future
118. "IF": The Various Conditions conveyed by its Use
119. The Fourfold Ministry of our Lord
120. The Synagogue: and Jewish Sects
121. The Synonymous Words for "PREACH"
122. The Synonymous Words for "JUDGE", "CONDENM", &c.
123. The Synonymous Words for "MAN"
124. The Synonymous Words for "OTHER" and "ANOTHER"
125. The Synonymous Words for "PERFECT"
126. The Eight Beatitudes of Matt. 5 and the Eight Woes of Matt. 23
127. The Synonymous Words for "POOR"
128. The Synonymous Words for "SIN", "WICKEDNESS", "EVIL", &c.
129. The Synonymous Words for "WORLD", "EARTH", &c
130. The Synonymous Words for "LIGHT"
131. The Synonymous Words for "HELL"
132. The Synonymous Words for "KNOW", "KNOWLEDGE", &c.
133. The Synonymous Words for "SEE", "LOOK", "BEHOLD", &c.
134. The Synonymous Words for "PRAY" and "PRAYER"
135. The Synonymous Words for "LOVE"
136. The Synonymous Words for "WASH"
137. The Synonymous Words for "WORSHIP"
138. The Double Miracles of Matt. 9:18; Mark 5:22; and Luke 8:41
140. "The Gospel of the Kingdom" and Other "Gospels"
141. The Twelve Apostles
142. "He That Hath Ears To Hear, Let Him Hear"
143. "Have Ye Not Read?"
144. The "Three Days" and "Three Nights" of Matt. 12:40
145. The Eight Parables of Matt. 13
146. "The Foundation of the World”
147. "Thou art Peter" (Matt. 16:18)
148. "The Third Day"
149. The Transfiguration (Matt. 17:1-8, &c)
150. "BELIEVE": The Use of the Word in various Connections, &c.
152. The Healing of the Blind Men at Jericho
153. The Two entries into Jerusalem
154. "What think ye of Christ?"
155. The Two Great Prophecies of "the End of the Age"(Luke 21; and Matt. 24, Mark 13)
156. "Six Days before the Passover"
157. The Three Suppers
158. The Two Anointings
159. "This is My Body"
160. The Denials of Peter
161. The Purchase of the Potter's Field (Matt. 27:6--10)
162. The Cross and Crucifixion
163. The Inscriptions on the Cross
164. The "Others" Crucified With The Lord
165. The Hours Of The Lord's Last Day
166. The Sequence Of Events Following The Lord's Resurrection
168. The Last Twelve Verses of Mark's Gospel
170. The Synonymous Words for "LIFE"
171. The Synonymous Words for "SLEEP"
172. The Synonymous Words for "POWER", &c.
174. The Synonymous Words for "SEND", "SENT", &c.
175. The Synonymous Words for "TRUE"
176. The Eight "SIGNS" in John's Gospel
177. The Synonymous Words for "JUDGMENT"
178. The Synonymous Words for "RAISE", "RESURRECTION", &c.
179. Parallel Datings of the Times of our Lord
180. Chronology &c. of the "Acts" Period
181. The Dispensational Position of the Book of Acts
182. The Lord's Brethren
183. "This is That" (Acts 2:16)
184. The Synonymous Words for "GRACE", &c.
185. The Formulae of Baptism in "ACTS" and The Epistles (in relation to Matt. 28:19,20)
187. The Burying of The Patriarchs (Acts 7:15, 16)
188. "Another King" (Acts 7:18, 19)
190. The Synonymous Words for "SERVANT", "SERVE", &c
192. The Pauline Epistles
193. The MYSTERY
194. "The Spirits in Prison" (1 Peter 3:19)
195. The Different Ages and Dispensations of God's Dealings with Men
198. The Eternal Purpose